Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MTP Orientation

Finally a post that is current; and inline with the tagline of this blog..
Its been quite some time since I have done this, perhaps only in the very beginning of the blog.

MTP - M.Tech Project; is the mammoth that forms the course, and we had some useful insights on planning it well and managing its course.
What was observed; however was that it is important to be "diligent", "hard-working", "punctual", "genuinely interested" and so on - lot of terms that are so easily spoken about and advised but hard to practice.

And yet again - stress was laid on the fact that we are a part of a research community now - and our project and the resultant dissertation is the contribution that we are making to our fields. Now that part is clear and understood by me - it is what makes us 'Masters' in some sense...

Beyond anything - it is high time to realize what is important and prioritized in life(and I am deliberately using passive voice..). It is crucial to realize what is the stone, the gravel, the sand and the water in the famous wisdom story: Stone, Gravel and Sand. It was very well put by one of the professors that the MTP is the stone first - and it needs the top priority..

So look out - MTP ahead!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Surprise Visit to Bangalore

What ? Now - so late ? Why when its no more relevant ?
-- Yeah, I can guess all such questions coming up when someone sees the title - but well; that is me these days - Out of sorts and time unmanaged..
So just continuing the form, besides it has been a long time since I have blogged anything :)

This visit was a surprise to my family - as I hadn't given a clue about visiting; and well I personally didnt have the plan finalized until the last day...
But things worked out and I was able to give quite a surprise back home - though my friends knew it before thanks to the social network and me ;)
And to my surprise - Bangalore was hotter than Mumbai!

Talking about friends - realized one other thing - Everyone is busy! Weekends are the only option..
So the week went without much ado - and certainly with no care for studies at all !
Then the weekend - met friends at a hotel, ate and talked, and then went to bowling. That same schedule has become sort of boring now - I am expecting something different for the next time...
And also more weekends - one weekend is not enough to meet all packs of friends!!

Well thats it - I have been quite out of touch and this is all I can write down now...
Miss You Bengaluru :-)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spontaneity v/s Consistency

These are the 2 ways of dealing with things - and different situations demand either of them to get a result.

Spontaneity, Intuition - that's a quick way of doing things. Occasionally invoked in the presence of deadlines; it can be useful in getting a solution - albeit not the best one. It is perhaps a skill that needs to developed to deal with changing needs. However, not every situation can be solved in the anticipation of something spontaneous to strike in the mind - but if it does, there is nothing more pleasing at that moment of time...

Consistency, on the other hand; is usually attributed to other terms like dedication, continuous effort, rigor etc. It is needed to deal with things that are large - in relation to scope, space, time and more. Just being spontaneous does not suffice here, because there is that need for integrated and focused efforts efforts to achieve the big picture. Quite often it is said to be the recipe to success...

For any person; both Spontaneity and Consistency are needed - in the right proportions - to get the best out of him. More specifically, an Engineer(biased here because I believe I am one..) needs to be both spontaneous and consistent as the situation demands. For instance - the different decisions he takes in a project he does can be either of the two, as long as they aid positively in the progress of it. One other example would be this - Talking is spontaneous, but career demands some form of consistency.

But general human tendency is to be more on one side of the divide - either inherently spontaneous, or inherently consistent. One however needs to develop both to get stuff right. This is no Success Mantra - as I am a nobody to do that, but yet another of my insights.....