Well, of course, it sounds like CB's much famed book title. But this is the nearest I can get to make my 9.0 SPI sound fun!
And also there is the IIT commonality; alas there were no Cold Feet on Metal experiences ;-)
Anyway, 2nd sem ended in a much favorable outcome than the first! Time to think more positively about IIT now - who knows, I might write a post on the pros of IIT soon...
Now the Somebody part - there is no big deal feeling after reaching 9.0 this time, considering the choices of subjects and the potential number of people who would have crossed this barrier; and more importantly the minuscule effect it has on the bigger things in life(oops, I guess thats the effect of Philosophy, hmm, nope, just some social networking trivia). Its upto me to make that count..
But it surely did push up my CPI, so things seem much better now. So it is yet another juncture to remind myself to get rid of the laziness, work more sincerely, make proper utilization of time and before points 1,2 and 3 think - Should I do all that ?
There kicks in the Bangalore and Home effect - no more stuff to write. Good night folks :-)