Tuesday, May 15, 2012

9.point Somebody

Well, of course, it sounds like CB's much famed book title. But this is the nearest I can get to make my 9.0 SPI sound fun! 

And also there is the IIT commonality; alas there were no Cold Feet on Metal experiences ;-)
Anyway, 2nd sem ended in a much favorable outcome than the first! Time to think more positively about IIT now - who knows, I might write a post on the pros of IIT soon...

Now the Somebody part - there is no big deal feeling after reaching 9.0 this time, considering the choices of subjects and the potential number of people who would have crossed this barrier; and more importantly the minuscule effect it has on the bigger things in life(oops, I guess thats the effect of Philosophy, hmm, nope, just some social networking trivia). Its upto me to make that count..

But it surely did push up my CPI, so things seem much better now. So it is yet another juncture to remind myself to get rid of the laziness, work more sincerely, make proper utilization of time and before points 1,2 and 3 think - Should I do all that ? 

There kicks in the Bangalore and Home effect - no more stuff to write. Good night folks :-)

Monday, May 7, 2012

2nd Sem Sum-up

Yet another semester has dawned - and so the counting begins: Just 2 more sems to go...

This semester started off with an anticipation to do better than the first one - and the target was fairly achieved I guess.The application of Proportional Efforts Theorem continued, aided by a definitely better choice of subjects, where it worked out pretty well...
Not much travelling around - notably once to Elephanta and Bandra, and later to Marine Drive. Other than that, life has pretty much been confined to the IITB atmosphere...

This sem did have a few learning and self-exploring experiences, like how I was being Over-reactive in the first sem, how habits affect us, interaction with teachers, and a Deja-Vu of the good times of B.E! And a serious concern of spontaneity taking over me would occasionally make my day! 
Time is utmost important - a thought that always bothered me, but still I spent countless hours watching sitcoms, youtube videos, being online on facebook & gmail, or do plainly nothing for no apparent reason!!

Then there was a quick visit to Bangalore, which was a surprise to my family, and on coming back had the highly expected MTP Orientation. Things got a bit serious then onwards, with quizzes, assignments, projects, midsems and obviously classes. But there always was the opportunity to relax and have fun amidst all that too - like the non-dancing at the job treat of seniors, and almost 24x7 internet, albeit a minor 3-day Lan Ban.

And then there were the obvious end sems, followed by a period of boredom owing to a late rescheduling of seminar; prompting writing of outdated posts like describing the travel back to Bombay for the start of the semester, an 'analysis' of the IIT transformation, and fueling a whole lot of lazyness...

And today was the culmination of it all with the seminar, and I happened to sound lower than the certainly least audible girl in the room - an indicative of how well the seminar went!!
Anyway, heading back to Bangalore tomorrow - so Bangalore, Here I come again :)


Saturday, May 5, 2012

An Ode of Laziness

Laziness is one very characteristic of me, anyone who gets to know me will figure that out too...
IIT life has fueled that rather well - perhaps I am at my lazy best !!

The very basic thing that has aggravated is my sleep patterns - sleep late, and wake up very, very late - classically lazy. There have been many instances when I have missed classes(and today my TA duty too!). Currently I am touching the extremes of it - almost midday by the time I wake up..
And there always is the air of general unwillingness to do anything. Does that come back and kick me ? - yeah, there are one or two probable occasions, but well, I am too lazy to elaborate on that too..

But laziness seems to be an easy answer for everything - why are you late? why didn't you do this thing? why is this not perfect? etc. So much so obvious that some people won't trust it to be the valid reason. But well, it is yet another manifestation of laziness to push off all the wrong-doings to laziness itself...

Well, laziness has kicked in during this discourse. I shall say no more but put an image or two of I'm NOT lazy quotes...

I am so lazy of late that even though I realized that an ode is a poem, I am too lazy to change it; so if anyone inadvertently expected a poem - you are not going to get one! And a last one - lame excuse of a lazy example - "Be Lazy, Go Crazy" :-D