Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Funky T-shirts

It is often said that a picture says a thousand words - so does a T-shirt with a witty or funny slogan. 
IIT - a home for both kinds; definitely has an interesting spectacle of such T-shirts.
So here is a post on a few such shirts I have come across - and a graphic illustration of the same(well, nothing compared to the original ones; but who knows when somebody gets angry for violating copyrights - if any ;-))

"We code the rules, you follow them"

Somewhat egoistic statement by our very own CSE department T-shirt; but thats what we are...
But poor depiction - Imagine a grid of 1's and 0's with the CSE embossing out - so geekishly binary :)
And also missing is the department logo at the back that says "Watch out - The one inside is CSE property !"

"Somehow got in, somehow got out"

A quirky one and seemingly favourite of the alumnis; for reasons obvious...

"IITians - Gods of Dating" 

Keep wondering until they turn the back!

"Eat, sleep, material science"

Probably of the metallurgy department; goes similar to this famous design:-

"Talk Nerdy to me"

The punchline of Techfest held recently

" Road to Success is Under construction"

Well, now that you got the general hang of things; I am going to cut down on the T-shirt illustrations..
This one is the favorite tagline of the Civil(I guess..) students.

" By the time you leave IIT Bombay you are absolutely ***ked!"

Well, Wait for It before jumping into conclusions - Look at what is there behind :P

Some of the other top favorites of mine are:

"So you think getting into IIT was tough ?
Try getting out!!!"

" Cowboys dont take a bath, they just dust off" 

- Not exactly academic; but explains a general scenario crisply !

"Either way, we fuel you"

The Chemistry T-shirt is rather bold - with a beer glass and a petrol fuel injector - the Chems show off what they do best(Sorry, no images hit that depict the shirt)

"Relax, Its only ONES and ZEROS"

Last but very relevant - Not just a CS t-shirt; but also a reflection on the marks :D

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