Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life in Extremes - Lazy Wednesday !!

Definitely I am experiencing extremes - heavy Tuesday followed by a relaxed and slow, lazy Wednesday...
And since the day I have been to Mumbai - I have noticed that even the city has both sides of extremes - posh areas v/s slums; costly hotels v/s affordable eateries; hectic workforce v/s relaxed people, Hostel 6 v/s Hostel 12/13/14(guys here in IITB would know ;-) ) etc etc...
With the passage of time, I may explore more of such extremes...

Woke up at 10 today - has become sort of habit; with no one around to wake you up on time !!

Went for my document verification - anyway knowing the result of it - Partial documents; no degree certificate(I am not yet an Engineer; unlike most of my self-proclaimed Engineer friends :D), no migration/TC(Wonder why do we have so many formalities!!)
Felt like going to play a game; knowing that at the end of it you will anyway lose :D

Had the software lab course in the late afternoon - learnt how to plot graphs with my friend and played around with it...
Told Sir that I was "peer-programming" when he saw a blank screen :D

Noticed a 'small' hairline fracture of my laptop's keyboard today - No clues as to how it happened :-(
Downloaded some of the books available on DC++ appropriate for the courses - just one thing remaining though; the urge and the interest to study !!!

Final Note:
Today's Realization: I desperately need a "head bath" tomorrow !!!!
Funny how literal translation of ತಲೆ ಸ್ನಾನ sounds in English :D :D

1 comment:

  1. OMG cool apt pics :) my goodness :) no wonder if IIT B gets more writers :) Waitin for ur thursday exp :)
