Saturday, November 24, 2012

23 on 23

Another year added to my tally - now 23 years old. And the above song captures my emotions quite well :D

This year I tried a few funny things - trying many ways to keep it a secret to prevent bumps and ended up giving a treat to the guys anyway!

It started off with removing the birthday notification from facebook - the main source of knowing your friends' birthday in today's world. Then I also disabled posting on my wall. So I was only expecting a few wishes by message. But alas I forgot tagging - so a friend did try to stir up some interest by tagging my birthday on his wall. By the way thanks to all the guys who did remember my birthday without the help of fb...
But the idea worked - didnt get GPLed(IITB lingo for birthday bumps on you know where..) on the midnight! Only one Birthday paradox friend - sharing birthday with me knew it; and far later in the night another friend got to know from a birthday wish call. 

All this circus and I blew my own cover today - and took a few of the guys for a treat at a restaurant. But its a real dilemma to decide whom to include and whom not to. However it felt good to hurdle around a group of friends and take them to party - and it felt extra good to get the bill less than expected ;-) 


  1. I hoped you liked the veg starter :p

    1. Missed mentioning that in the post :)
      A dish that looked like and tasted $#!+ !!
