Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To list or not to list - Thats also the question!

Its a funny circle of events - You make a list of things to do, then do some of them and leave out a lot, then make a list of things remaining and start with them, then scrap them out and back to creating the new list!
Over the past few months - thats what has been happening in my life. The above pic is a snapshot of the exact thing. Made the list of To Dos - and didnt follow up with any one of them in the right sense. Made a list of things to study - just glanced through few of them, left out a lot...

The whole thing makes you question the credibility of the process and yourself - why make lists when you dont follow up ? Let things stay chaotic - atleast you have something to lay the blame on! But again, you cannot let anarchy of things decide for you either!

Consciously or otherwise - you list out things to do and start working towards them - Thats one way to look at life... 
So here is my refined list, that I don't intend to keep:


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