Thursday, December 15, 2011

Father-Son Bonding; with a twist

I always feel that movies show an exaggeration of whatever father-son bondage they show, or may be my case is a bit different..

The usual way of projecting this is probably going together for a family outing, or may be a fun game at home.
Mine is not in that circle - our bonding is usually cleaning in and around the home, or arguing about some menial issue, competing to be the last one to take a bath on a holiday; accompanied by occasional scoldings !!

And in those dire situations - for instance when I am in Bombay, even our phone calls are very limited - maximum of 2 minutes (and so seems the fate of this post - going to be short!!)

But I am so used to him being subtle, that if he is oddly expressive - it feels weird :)

I wonder if I am running out of topics for this blog - or it seems that I am no longer observant about my surroundings as I claim in the blog note !!


  1. Dude... the term you might be thinking is "bonding" not "bondage". Look it up. :)

    1. Thanks for noticing dude..
      I do mess up the vocabulary sometimes !
