Friday, September 21, 2012

Google Test - A wake up call

Today was the first of the many placement shortlisting tests scheduled to happen in the near future; and it sure was a wake up call to buck up and be more serious for the tests to come..

Consisting of objective questions that ranging from OS to FAFL to general programming and a coding question - the test was fairly "easy" according to many of my friends...
The coding question was(I am not sure whether this comes under non-disclosure clause or not....) :-
Given a number of dices n, each with a number of faces m, find the probability of winning in terms of getting a sum total greater than or equal to x from all of the throws. 

And the wake-up call part - The test brought about the realization that understanding basics of any and all fields of computer science is important to crack the test and make it though to the interviews; and of course - you have to know how to write good and efficient code without a computer and without Google - even Google expects that :D

So wishing the others and myself a good placement session.... 


  1. loved it "you have to know how to write good and efficient code without a computer and without Google - even Google expects that :D"

  2. thats a tough one ,did u have a course on probability in college ? binomial theorm stuff if i could remember ,still scratching my head though..

    1. Never took a probability course - its coming back to bite me now...
      There were a question or two on expected value and things related to probability.
