Thursday, November 8, 2012

Various PPTs

The first part of this placement season is nearing to a close: PPTs , viz. Pre-Placement Talks.
It was a mixed bag - some short ppts, some extremely long; some interesting, some very boring; some of established companies, some of relative startups;some that grabbed attention, and a lot that did not..
All in all, it was an interesting phase - although frankly without the 25% mandatory weekly attendance rule, things would have been different.

Apart from going over the company objectives, job profile, work environment, goals, and not to forget package; a few had other things to keep us interested.
There were companies that gave away a Kindle(no guesses who..) to Key bunches; and quite commonly T-shirts..
And a few Deja-Vu's as well - like the Stack by Stack presence and product explanation of NetApp, Intel's Pie graph of compensation breakdown etc; back from PESIT days.
Amazon had a problem grasping and solving session following its ppt; which was quite interesting.
Microsoft had a great place to show off its Surface, Kinect and other Windows 8 products arriving soon into the market(And a lot other companies did show off too)

Other than the traditional IT, development and research profiles that one can get in software, financial or analytical firms; one does get to see unconventional job profiles too - like Epic systems that works on Healthcare software, Strand Life that works on biological data etc.

But the placement process certainly differs here. 
Most companies give their ppt before, and have tests much later - quite different from the placement that used to happen in my former college. Only a few like Adobe and DirectI had their test following the presentation.
And right now it is the time of giving tests and waiting for the shortlists to be announced later.
Not to forget - some big names like Google, Twitter dont have ppts but have their tests directly scheduled.

More on the tests in the next post..

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