Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Job Treat v/s Farewell Party

The season of big treats is coming to an end for us IITBians - viz Job Treat, Farewell and Valedictory functions. Valfi is just around the corner - and we had the other two in the recent past. 

For those unaware of the whole thing - As per IITB tradition: Job treat is what we seniors give after the placements to our juniors in celebration, and the juniors reciprocate by giving us a Farewell Party. 
As any outsider ready to pass judgement, here is my verdict: To put succinctly - the Job Treat was a brave attempt, the Farewell Treat was conventional but well executed..

To elaborate on the details (because this is a blog and not a facebook post so that I can end as above!) - our Job Treat was on boats - a few kilometers away from the shore facing the Gateway of India. An innovative idea indeed - rather than the usual Hotel or Party Hall plans. Except for one thing - the constant rocking of the boat implied that no one even needed to dance; it sways you automatically - both good and bad! And everyone unanimously agrees that the food too was a spoilsport - I still get goosebumps imagining the almost non-veg tasting Paneer sabzi x-( 
But still; it was quite adventurous to party in the middle of the sea - albeit those with Thalassophobia (of course I googled that!) 

The Farewell party was in a more common party place; and in keeping up with the current trend of Confessions and Secrets - there were games of share your secret, get others to confess a secret etc. Food definitely scored more points than Job treat; and so did the Memento - A photo/scrap book of all the current batch students.
Since I don't have any of the pics of the event - I am sharing pics of the book itself, also seems symmetric with the above content...

Oh, and here is my entry in the book; thanks for the geeky description +Amitkumar Patil !!

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