Sunday, April 1, 2012

Non-dancer at a Party

Had been to what was probably my first party - one organised by our seniors for their placements; and got reaffirmed that I am definitely not a dance and party animal :D

There were a lot of my friends and not-so-much friends dancing around crazy to some of the most heard songs around(alas - had to hear the same songs that play at hostel with some DJing...) , and I stood there at some corner watching them - amused but never inspired to put a step...
I did have company though - not everyone goes out there to let go and dance ..
And yeah, a few of them did try to pull me in and make me dance - mostly by fiddling forcefully. It turned out to be a vain effort - for it seemed more a puppetry than dance :D

Of course - there were the two holy grails of parties - loud beat music and drinks(yes, methodically asked whether one prefers to have alcohol and was made available; with the list of those who wanted it..).
I tapped my footsteps to the music - the nearest I got to dance!!
And obviously - I did not drink...

Then what was my intention of going there ? - just to observe what happens at parties - stuff that I have usually seen in TV or movies. I saw what I typed just now - and it sounds totally lame :D
All through I only kept wondering - what makes all these people go berserk and - what they term - "have fun".
So here I am - back at my "kottige" and blogging about my doing nothing at a party, while the others are - welll - still partying... 


  1. Haha... quite interesting... Where were you ?? Naanu ella kade ninge searching... Even I don't know how to dance except for "Marmmana dance".. Adaralle adjust madiddu.. ;)

  2. I left early. Didnt want to disturb your Marammana dance...
