Thursday, April 12, 2012

The travel back to Bombay

Another outdated post - more out of context than a recent one...
But I am in quite a mood to write stuff after writing an essay for the Philosophy course in the morning - and in lieu of that I might drift away and might not make sense in between..

This dates back to the first week of January - where I came back for my second semester; by train from Bangalore. It was by far my worst train experience - mainly due to the Snore Competition between the people occupying the compartment(Three months now, I can still recall the snores, if not their faces :D). Thanks to the noisy environs, I had to read a book through the journey - and well, not much luck there because I only had Revolution 2020 with me - Bad Read for a Bad Journey!

But on the bright side - I wasn't feeling homesick this time; I was actually longing for the sem to start. Though I hadn't particularly prepared for it in any sense; I was done with the long holidays. It seems like this cycle keeps going - when you have holidays, you want to work; and when you have work, you long for holidays(or may be its just me - I dont see anyone around here who shares this thought).

I had enough of trains this time - listening to the same set of songs over and over on my phone, crippling around trying to catch sleep or kill time in the upper berth, unscheduled stops when a Shatabdi crossed over, and a whole day of journey! I decided to mostly travel by buses then on, and have kept the decision until now. One mond boggling question - why dont upper berths have windows o_O ????

After a whole day journey I landed at Bandra - and there came the realization that you don't get autos from there. So I took a Taxi voluntarily for the first time - and it seemed like it roamed around half of Bombay before reaching IIT. On the way, I came across this place called Saki Naka; a name I believed was fictional - wonder what it means ?? The journey gave me a sort of 'I am filthy rich' feeling considering that it cost more than the cost of the train ticket for me to reach IIT!!

All that and I finally reached - only to realize that there was no orientation that was supposed to be, and I could have stayed back a day or two more. Back to the present - planning to come back to Bangalore for
two weeks or so - yet again with the resolution of spending time fruitfully...

Why did I decide to write all this now - I can account it for the constant procrastination and the longing for a proper rant post in my blog after many days :D
Sorry to eat up the time of some of you very busy people...

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