Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Pattern Match TAship

As part of the M.Tech programme - we have a per semester Teaching Assistantship; where we assist in coursework. The first two semesters were pretty smooth in this regard as I was assigned TA for the C++ programming lab - where all one had to do was debug errors from the codes the students wrote, or worst case - ask them to google their roadblocks...

Third sem, however, I got Linear Optimization - a theoretical course about which I had no idea, and got assigned to it probably because I had taken the Algorithms course in my first sem out of the zeal of getting into IIT..

The entire course was all about the above image - equations, feasible points, solutions etc etc. Alas, I had no background - so had to go and sit in most of the classes. In the end - I as a TA definitely had more attendance to the class than any other student..
In the beginning it seemed to borrow some concepts from Linear Algebra - but that link broke down pretty soon...

Anyway, that wasnt the main deal - I had to correct the quiz papers of all the students. Although I was attending all classes - I definitely had no expertise in the subject(just a nice way of saying I didnt know squat about the subject!).
Thankfully Prof. Sundar - who took the course - used to give answer keys. Thus went an entire semester  of pattern matching answers plus some recall of concepts from the class and giving marks. I must say it ended well - more because Sir took over the end-sem corrections - much to the dismay of some students and happiness of a lot more..

With that bygone - only one more semester of M.Tech, a.k.a one more semester of TAship remains...

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