Thursday, August 1, 2013

Closing Time

Its been over a month since the last blog - in between the shifting back to Bengaluru, joining Oracle and no broadband at home - there seemed to be no time for blogging...

So here is a long shot recap of my last days at IITB - of which I mostly remember stuff related to Food alone: Zaffron pay-for-yourself-no-treat, Red Olives send-off treat by my considerate professor and who can forget - Mess food the uncomparable :D

Apart from that - nice to have experienced first flight - the feeling of being on top of the world - with the clouds and the sky forming different imagery around you is surreal!

All things said and done - a lot more do remain. Least prominent of  which are three more blogposts in the drafts that are never going to see the light of the Internet day. No real senti-stuff to express as such - feels good to be back in Namma Bengaluru; duly excluding the fact that Namma traffic is a nightmare!

As for my M.Tech - it was a bumpy ride - but I lived the undergrad way during my M.Tech - so not much to be dismal or ecstatic about; but I am surely glad it is over!

So, time to bid adieu to Blogging - atleast for the foreseeable future(and remove that from Special Interests section of my resume!)

Bye Bye Blogger..

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