Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time for a few lasts and a few firsts

The End is here - well, the good kind of End - End of school :)

Project presentations, reports, classes, academic life - the few lasts for many of us. All of them are being backed up in memory archives - making way for the newer things coming ahead in life.
Also the time to recap the past two years - orientation, friends, courses, projects, holidays, TA duty, fb fights, labs, research, placements, tensions, treats, farewells and everything ending well...
Talking about farewells - good to see that there were no teary eyes and goodbye hugs this time around ( seen a lot of them the past 3 times!!) - or might have missed all of them staying at my den :D

Coming ahead - First job(or.. new job), first true monetary freedom, first professional environment and much more. Time to prepare for all that is coming !!
Not much can be said with certainity about the future - but lets have fingers crossed for a few things: less nightouts, fun weekends, time for a social life amidst the busy worklife, finding that special someone and getting hitched - or delegate that job to the parents, catch up with friends and basically enjoy whatever you do!
Wishing everyone all the very best; or Spock style - Live Long and Prosper :D[Thinking of adopting this line as a standard goodbye message...]


Phew - Writing has been real tough these days...
Explains why it seemed so ridiculously hard to modify just the Project Abstract - Time to revive a few of those gray cells!! 

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