Friday, September 30, 2011

Evolution is the crux of Computer Science

Just trying a shot at a serious article..

Computer Science - A phrase that raises the eyebrows of many; afterall how can hitting a few keys and making some fantastic visual/financial/personal/medical aids in the form of a machine even constitute a science right ??
Though it has been a thoughtful debate of how and why it is a science or not - it is here to stay and make an impact!

And what better than the following awesome video by Prof. Kavi Mahesh sir that puts across clearly how it is indeed a Science:

Truly Computer Science has made a profound impact in the recent past( by the timescale of human existance - 50 years is recent past !!)
 Just like any of its competing and contemporary fields - the core that drives it is Evolution; more so - it manifests itself as a perfect example of Evolution!

Let us walk through some of these observations to prove the point:
  1. Networks - Can anyone think of a disconnected isolated world today - the internet, world wide web, telephones, cell phones, wi-fi and more fancy names such as 3G, WiMax, Streaming etc etc. 
    Computers have been the backbone and scalability support for all of them!!
    'What about Evolution?' you ask - just imagine the big fat boxes that they used to call cellphones 15 years ago versus the current age of iPhones, androids, blackberrys, smartphones, tablet-phone hybrids...
    Or a simpler cases - emails; does anyone want to check their emails from the unix terminal using a set of commands, with tons of options, and limited space; or just go Yahoo or gmail or hotmail and have the graphical experience ?
  2. Business - Its only in the good old classics that you see the 'Blue-eyed boy' of a company managing crates of files with just a telephone at his disposal, and a big brainy head that can helps him excel in his work and also please his girl ;-)
    Its all the different gadgets that gt him to do the work now - laptops, smartphones, tablets, connected networks and what not..
    And here too - there is a mutual evolution; the person evolves with these upcoming technologies, and these technologies continually improve and evolve to suit the needs of the business.
  3. Softwares - Of course, there are tonnes of books on multitudes of aspects of softwares - building, maintenance, underlying hardware, software engineeriing, application software, system softwares, operating systems.
    That is a whole plethora of stuff - just proving the point - there is Evolution!
    Write some software, release it, find bugs, improve it, patch it, release a new and upgraded version..
    And over time, if the software is obsolete, scrap it and replace it with the better and improved alternatives..
    Its definitely a ground to prove 'Survival of the Fittest' here!
  4. Personal Life - What would have been the typical answer for favorite timepass of a growing kid 10 years ago - surely would have been some sport, or a hobby like philately. Today there is a gen-x shift - its mostly a much awaited and talked about game with fantastic effects, or collection of trendy gadgets that make news everywhere.
    And how has this come about - the infiltration of the computing devices and miscellany into the consumer and entertainment industry; and within a span of year - there is an upsurge of new devices, better gadgets, funky cool stuffs...
  5. Security, Defence and other Higher strata - No one can argue here about the need and necessity of super fast, super processing, super analytical beasts that are crucial for lives at stake scenarios.
    Better algorithms, better mechanisms, better tactics, better planning - its all about improve, advance, transform, grow, EVOLVE..
Now a final thought - What is Research ??
Research is what facilitates this evolution - ideates it, nurtures it, accelerates it, sustains it !!

Those sci-fi fantasies that prove life change are brought to life by whole bunch of brainy people researching on how it can be brought to life - formulating a pathway that leads it from imagination to reality..

And the whole 'Bettering' stuff - that takes detailed studies, careful analyses, performance tunings, replacing faulty constituents by the right ones; all of which is Research lingo!
Also the realization that Intelligent humanoids that can replace humans is impossible in the foreseeable future - is again from Research into dedicated fields of AI, Cognitive learning and aligned fields..

So Kudos to all those Researchers out there - you people are making the Evolution happen and spread across far and wide :-)


  1. Has well touched the positive aspects of the evolution of technology. Really hope humanoids do not replaces humans in the short future, even though there is an Indian enterpreneur who is trying to promote the same.
